Borenore Public School is a small school with an enrolment of fifteen students between the ages of five and twelve from Kindergarten to Year 6.
The school is family oriented with parents participating in many of the day to day school activities alongside the students. A friendly community atmosphere enables the students to work co-operatively on a variety of projects. A feature of the school is the attitude of helpfulness to others, displayed particularly by the older children to the younger ones. Staff and the school community strive to provide a positive learning environment for all students, based on realising each child's individual potential for learning.
There is a strong commitment to positive outcomes being achieved by all students, in the knowledge that self-esteem about learning will establish education as a lifelong process. Students are able to mix freely in recreational activities, regardless of age and gender, with a tolerance of individual differences and interests. The small school environment provides a meeting point for the community, with social and fundraising activities contributing positively to both the school's needs and the feeling of community cohesion.